All the details you might need
For an admission to a university, there are some general requirements binding on all higher education institutions in Latvia and some institution-specific requirements which can be set by the universities.
How to apply step by step
Please contact the university to have detailed information on the admission procedure, because each university's admission procedure may vary!
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Step 2
Recognition of diploma

Students should be aware that before proceeding with signing the study agreement and applying for the residence permit or visa, the admission office of the chosen university will send education documents for recognition of diploma.
Based on the data provided by the European diploma recognition network ENIC/NARIC, the Academic Information Centre of Latvia determines whether a certificate or diploma or an academic degree awarded in a foreign country can be equated to a similar qualification in Latvia. In cases when the document being assessed does not satisfy the standards of the certificates or diplomas or academic degrees awarded in Latvia, the assessment report states what additional requirements must be met to achieve the required compliance.
The time necessary for a recognition conclusion is approximately 1 month, but sometimes it may take longer because the process depends on the country where educational documents are issued.
Based on the assessment report, the institution of higher education to which the student has applied can take a decision about enrolment. To find more about the recognition of foreign diplomas and qualifications, please visit website of Academic Information Centre of Latvia at The overall procedure of evaluation and recognition of foreign credentials is stated in the Law on Education, Article 11.
Please contact the university for detailed information on the admission procedure as each university's admission procedure may vary.